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Tia Rangiwhakahaere Ngahere Boni Barrett

Ngaai Tahu, Ngaati Mamoe, Te Rapuwai, Waitaha, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Tamainupoo

Tia is a Waikato-based Maaori moving image practitioner and photographer. Tia was born and raised in Ootautahi and has now settled in Waikato. Her art practice is primarily grounded in celebrating her wahine Maaori identity and deepening connection to the whenua me o ngaa tuupuna through a lens based practice. Tia holds a Bachelor of Arts — Major in Screen and Media from The University of Waikato, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Media Arts from Wintec, a Postgraduate Diploma in Communication from Massey University, and a First-Class Honours — Masters in Visual Arts from Auckland University of Technology. Tia’s kaupapa Maaori Masters thesis is called ‘He Pounamu Ko Aau: Celebrating my Mana Wahine Maaori narrative’.


Mauri Ohooho

Moving Image and sound — looped, 2.25 mins

I applied the tuakana / teeina method to create a multidisciplinary artwork in collaboration with painter and carver Zena Elliott. This is an immersive digital experience that includes sound, light, whakairo and moving image. The artwork is an artistic interpretation and expression of Hiwa-i-te-Rangi. Our methodology is kaupapa maramataka, and we aim to make work in response to the lunar phases that support high levels of creative energy flow. I applied the technique of projecting my moving image onto Elliott’s whakairo to explore notions of embellishment that enhance the sculptural form as an activation for telling puuraakau. The outcome will be a digitally lopped moving image and sound sequence to be displayed on a website, but also, the artwork can be transported into a physical gallery space.