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Jeanine Clarkin

Ngaati Hako, Ngaati Paaoa, Ngaati Raukawa, Ngaati Ranginui, Ngai te Rangi

Ko Rae o Te Papa te maunga
Ko Tiikapa te moana
Ko Waihou te awa
Ko Tohoraa te waka
Ko Ngaati Hako te iwi
Ko Mahutoro te hapuu
Ko Tirohia te marae
Ko Te Kotahitanga te whare
Ko Paaora Tuinga oku tiipuna
Ko Jeanine Clarkin ahau
me Ngaati Paaoa, Ngaai te Rangi, Ngaati
Ranginui, Raukawa Te Kaokaoroa o Patatere.

Jeanine Clarkin developed a dream to become a fashion designer when it was not considered a ‘proper job’. Encouraged by whaanau and local activists, she launched her first streetwear label through collaboration with Maaori artists, actors and dancers. With her brand evolving and in demand, Jeanine dressed Maaori celebrities like Keisha Castle-Hughes and Cliff Curtis. She went on to experience the European ‘Fashionista’ scene, finding her international tribe through indigenous fashion abroad. Now experienced on the catwalk of Fashion Week, Jeanine’s pride-infused fashion can not only be seen on the racks of exclusive stores, but also on the marae worn by a generation interested in sustainable fashion. Working as designer, event producer, creative director, curator and teacher, her sewn sacred thread has provided a networked platform for a new generation.

Ti rama mai Phase 2 — Shine for me

Rescued textile, accessories

A garment that helps you celebrate your own light so we may never end up in the fate of Rona and have darkness across our path.

Tirama mai brings out the inner light of the wearer so they may never stumble.


For sales enquiries, please contact the artist directly: kiaora@jeanineclarkin.com