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Cian Parker

Ngaa Puhi, Ngaati Toa, Pakeha

Cian Parker is an award-winning theatre maker, writer, dramaturg, and performer. She was the recipient of the Ngaa Manu Piirere Award at the 2019 Te Waka Toi Awards, the ‘Most Promising Artist’ at the NZ Fringe 2020 and is one of The Arts Foundation 2021 Springboard Award winners. In late 2021 she won the ‘New Playwright Award’ at the Wellington Theatre Awards. Andrew is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and filmmaker. He produces music for a wide range of media and performance projects internationally and has written and performed for many live theatre and dance shows. Andrew and Cian have collaborated on the original theatre works ‘Sorry For Your Loss’, ‘All I See’. The two are also creative collaborators with Equal Voices Arts Theatre company.


Between Two Worlds

Audio Visual Presentation

In the Maaori world we grow up with stories about our ancestors residing in the whetu (stars) and upon death being guided by atua wahine Hine-nui-te-poo through Rarohenga (the underworld). As I consider these spaces ‘above and below’, I wonder if I will be able to find my way, if I can find my ancestors … and what if they cannot find me?!

This work explores the search in colloquial and poetic form. This project is a collaboration between myself and Andrew Duggan. A continuation of our creative partnership which originally started onstage and now moves to screen. Duggan will breathe life into the concept through cinematography and musical composition. I bring conceptual ideas and performance. Together, we delve into the perpetual exploration of what happens in the beyond, and having faith that someone or something will be there waiting for us to guide us through.