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Ben Jolly

Ngaati Puukeko, Ngaati Whawhaakia

Ko Taupiri te maunga

Ko Waikato te awa

Horopounamu te wai

He piko he taniwha

Waikato-Tainui Taniwharau

The practise of whakairo has reconnected Ben to the knowledge of his whakapapa. The course at Whitireia Polytech in Porirua taught by tohunga whakairo Sam Hauwaho has led many on their journey to ukaipootanga. Here Ben has learned and continues to practice whakairo. It is Ben’s hope to contribute to the continuum of toi Maaori by working towards and upholding the standards by which he has been taught. Through creating and experimenting with traditional and contemporary designs Ben’s knowledge is continuously expanding and evolving.


Totara, paua

This poupou has been inspired by the kuaha of Mahinaarangi, the whare commissioned by Te Puea in the 1920’s after the turbulence of the land wars. Tuurangawaewae was created through an ohu of many. The paua is representative of the star cluster Matariki. The takarangi design is representative of the world of light created from the separation of the primordial parents. This piece was created with the intention of reflection and waananga associated with the time that Matariki is in the skies.

For any sales enquiries, please contact the artist directly: benjamin.oliver.jolley@gmail.com