Ariana Sheehan
Ngaati Maniapoto
Ka tuu ki Pukemokemoke te maunga tapu
Titiro iho ki te riu o Te Kuiti whakapeha i a au, auee!
Hīrere reia ka Tapuiwahine waiora!
Huihui ki te papa kainga Mootiti e noho haumaru ai a matatini e, too taatou tuurangawaewae Ngaati Maniapoto tuu tonu. Kia mau tonu ki teenaa, kia mau ki te kawau maaroo.
Whanake ake! Whanake ake!
Ariana (Ngaati Maniapoto) completed her Bachelor of Contemporary Maaori Arts, specialising in textile art at Te Waananga o Aotearoa in 2014. She was recently included in the Kotahitanga-Unity through Creation exhibition and her woven panel is currently displayed at Creative Waikato.
Matariki Tutaarawa
Harakeke, dowel rod
Matariki Tutaarawa
Matariki Tutaarawa detail
Scale image
I am a weaver/textile artist and have been working with many traditional Maaori materials producing kete and woven panels for over twenty years. Much of my work is influenced by traditional Maaori patterns from weaving, taniko, whaariki and tukutuku. For this project I am depicting the puurakau (customary knowledge) surrounding Matariki by creating a multi-coloured, multi-patterned woven tutaarawa, to depict the stars within Matariki.
For sales enquiries please contact the artist directly-